• Cabinet Spray Painter Stony Brook

    Transform your kitchen with expert cabinet restoration, spray painting, refacing, renewal services, and more in Bayside, Great Neck, Little Neck, Douglaston, Northport & beyond.

    About Company:-

    Long Island Wood Renewal, LLC is a locally-owned and -operated kitchen remodeling company serving Nassau County, Suffolk County and surrounding areas. We started as an independent kitchen contractor for Home Depot in 2010. Collectively, we have refinished and remodeled over 1,000 kitchens in Long Island and Eastern Queens.
    We’re proud to partner with top-tier manufacturers in the industry. By doing so, we can offer you a wide range of high-quality products that are durable and long-lasting. In addition, our design selection includes hundreds of cabinet materials, stains, color options and kitchen countertop styles.

    Click Here For More Info:- http://www.liwoodrenewal.com/

    Social Media Profile Links:-
    Cabinet Spray Painter Stony Brook Transform your kitchen with expert cabinet restoration, spray painting, refacing, renewal services, and more in Bayside, Great Neck, Little Neck, Douglaston, Northport & beyond. About Company:- Long Island Wood Renewal, LLC is a locally-owned and -operated kitchen remodeling company serving Nassau County, Suffolk County and surrounding areas. We started as an independent kitchen contractor for Home Depot in 2010. Collectively, we have refinished and remodeled over 1,000 kitchens in Long Island and Eastern Queens. We’re proud to partner with top-tier manufacturers in the industry. By doing so, we can offer you a wide range of high-quality products that are durable and long-lasting. In addition, our design selection includes hundreds of cabinet materials, stains, color options and kitchen countertop styles. Click Here For More Info:- http://www.liwoodrenewal.com/ Social Media Profile Links:- https://www.instagram.com/liwoodrenewal/ https://maps.app.goo.gl/9Bx6nquW2vYdEyww8
    0 Comments 0 Shares 226 Views
  • 向 Thom Browne 的四條紋低頭,斬獲一眾男神女神的潮流聖品!
    這款火爆時尚圈的「四條紋」和「紅白藍」到底有什麼魔力?讓眾多男神女神們都為之傾倒~品牌西裝套裝也是在日本、韓國、紐約、倫敦剛上架就被一搶而空。這讓人愛不釋手的秘密且隨小編來一探究竟!Thom Browne 新款已經上架,別錯過!

    說到 TB衣服





    1965年,Thom Browne 湯姆布朗出生於美國賓夕法尼亞州,在美國聖母大學獲得經濟學學位。

    1997年,Thom Browne 遷往紐約,在 Giorgio Armani 公司做銷售。之後,Thom Browne 被 Polo Ralph Lauren 公司旗下品牌 Club Monaco 挑中,領導其創意開發團隊,在此期間,Thom Browne 和 Ralph Lauren 大師一起工作,獲得寶貴的積累。
    2001 年,Thom Browne 創建自己同名品牌,並發布首個時裝系列。

    2005 年,Thom Browne 獲得國際時裝組織 2005 男裝新星稱號,以及 CFDA 2005 時尚基金獎亞軍。

    2006 年,Thom Browne 獲得美國服裝設計師協會時尚大獎(CFDA)最佳男裝設計師獲獎。

    隨後的幾年中,Thom Browne 分別與美國著名男裝品牌 Brooks Brothers、義大利運動服飾品牌 Moncler 合作,均大獲成功。

    每次秀場謝幕,Thom Browne 湯姆布朗尼總是穿著自家精緻的西裝亮相,真是秒殺一眾小鮮肉,「帥」就一個字,你們感受一下。

    Thom Browne 西裝賣的好,還有原因就是設計師 Thom Browne 本人從 2006 年的第一個系列開始就在不停的做西裝,做西裝,還是做西裝,到今年,他整整做了11年西裝。「業精於勤」、「十年磨一劍」的道理在他身上真是體現的淋漓盡致。

    Thom Browne 刻意小一個 Size 的剪裁風格




    看看 Thom Browne 熱款明星親測吧!

    Thom Brown 經典針織系列

    最火不過「四條紋」,Thom Browne 針織衫真是質感與顏值並存!


    說到 TB 在亞洲的影響力之大,還有一位不得不提的貢獻者就是 G-Dragon,不管是 MV 拍攝,還是出席活動,總會穿著 TB 衣服出現。

    Freestyle 凡凡也是一件 TB 隨性出街,看似漫不經心,但是搭配上一些金屬佩飾,起范兒分分鐘。

    兄弟齊心啊,小鹿也是選擇了 TB衛衣,前口袋的設計更是活力青春。

    Thom Brown 經典西服系列
    —— 簡約純色 ——

    煙灰三粒扣西服作為四條線牌子 Thom Browne 的標誌設計同時也是他的成名作品。極度合身的版型,短到及腰的上裝,「顯身材顯高顯腿長」的特點,使得它成為各大時尚博主的心頭好,其中也包括了「全球最會穿衣服的大叔」Nick Wooster。

    —— 趣味印花 ——


    —— 復古風情 ——
    Thom Brown 經典襯衫系列

    花樣美男楊洋,一件白色簡約 TB,配上陽光暖人心的笑容,妥妥的男神一枚。

    看看李易峰和賈乃亮的搭配,都是渾身黑白,非常簡單。然而簡單卻不等於隨意,這件經典條紋 TB 襯衫,讓他們的穿搭之中多了一個亮點,顯得富有設計感。

    歐陽娜娜扎高馬尾,身穿 TB 衣服經典的羅緞臂環白襯衣現身台北媒體餐會。
    以上內容由 THOM BROWNE台灣官網提供(thombrowne-tw.com)
    向 Thom Browne 的四條紋低頭,斬獲一眾男神女神的潮流聖品! 這款火爆時尚圈的「四條紋」和「紅白藍」到底有什麼魔力?讓眾多男神女神們都為之傾倒~品牌西裝套裝也是在日本、韓國、紐約、倫敦剛上架就被一搶而空。這讓人愛不釋手的秘密且隨小編來一探究竟!Thom Browne 新款已經上架,別錯過! 說到 TB衣服 你只知道「四條紋」和「紅藍白」 作為高階時髦精,這可不行 來~來 隨小編一起扒扒這位帥氣的鬼才設計師 1965年,Thom Browne 湯姆布朗出生於美國賓夕法尼亞州,在美國聖母大學獲得經濟學學位。 1997年,Thom Browne 遷往紐約,在 Giorgio Armani 公司做銷售。之後,Thom Browne 被 Polo Ralph Lauren 公司旗下品牌 Club Monaco 挑中,領導其創意開發團隊,在此期間,Thom Browne 和 Ralph Lauren 大師一起工作,獲得寶貴的積累。 https://www.thombrowne-tw.com/ 2001 年,Thom Browne 創建自己同名品牌,並發布首個時裝系列。 2005 年,Thom Browne 獲得國際時裝組織 2005 男裝新星稱號,以及 CFDA 2005 時尚基金獎亞軍。 2006 年,Thom Browne 獲得美國服裝設計師協會時尚大獎(CFDA)最佳男裝設計師獲獎。 隨後的幾年中,Thom Browne 分別與美國著名男裝品牌 Brooks Brothers、義大利運動服飾品牌 Moncler 合作,均大獲成功。 每次秀場謝幕,Thom Browne 湯姆布朗尼總是穿著自家精緻的西裝亮相,真是秒殺一眾小鮮肉,「帥」就一個字,你們感受一下。 Thom Browne 西裝賣的好,還有原因就是設計師 Thom Browne 本人從 2006 年的第一個系列開始就在不停的做西裝,做西裝,還是做西裝,到今年,他整整做了11年西裝。「業精於勤」、「十年磨一劍」的道理在他身上真是體現的淋漓盡致。 Thom Browne 刻意小一個 Size 的剪裁風格 非常能修飾亞洲人的身材 而且衣服的細節設計充滿幽默感 下面就跟隨小編一起 看看 Thom Browne 熱款明星親測吧! Thom Brown 經典針織系列 最火不過「四條紋」,Thom Browne 針織衫真是質感與顏值並存! TB針織外套很好的融合了李易峰的溫柔氣質,有型又不失品位。 說到 TB 在亞洲的影響力之大,還有一位不得不提的貢獻者就是 G-Dragon,不管是 MV 拍攝,還是出席活動,總會穿著 TB 衣服出現。 Freestyle 凡凡也是一件 TB 隨性出街,看似漫不經心,但是搭配上一些金屬佩飾,起范兒分分鐘。 兄弟齊心啊,小鹿也是選擇了 TB衛衣,前口袋的設計更是活力青春。 Thom Brown 經典西服系列 —— 簡約純色 —— 煙灰三粒扣西服作為四條線牌子 Thom Browne 的標誌設計同時也是他的成名作品。極度合身的版型,短到及腰的上裝,「顯身材顯高顯腿長」的特點,使得它成為各大時尚博主的心頭好,其中也包括了「全球最會穿衣服的大叔」Nick Wooster。 —— 趣味印花 —— 唐嫣選擇的這款印花西服,率性幹練又體現著少女心。 —— 復古風情 —— Thom Brown 經典襯衫系列 花樣美男楊洋,一件白色簡約 TB,配上陽光暖人心的笑容,妥妥的男神一枚。 看看李易峰和賈乃亮的搭配,都是渾身黑白,非常簡單。然而簡單卻不等於隨意,這件經典條紋 TB 襯衫,讓他們的穿搭之中多了一個亮點,顯得富有設計感。 歐陽娜娜扎高馬尾,身穿 TB 衣服經典的羅緞臂環白襯衣現身台北媒體餐會。 https://www.thombrowne-tw.com/ 以上內容由 THOM BROWNE台灣官網提供(thombrowne-tw.com)
    0 Comments 0 Shares 38 Views
  • The global pea protein market is poised for substantial growth, with an estimated value of USD 2.1 billion in 2024, projected to reach USD 3.7 billion by 2029, reflecting a robust compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.0%. This surge in demand highlights the growing consumer shift towards health-conscious, plant-based, and environmentally sustainable food options.
    Health & Wellness Trends Drive Pea Protein Market Growth
    Consumers are increasingly prioritizing health and wellness, seeking products that offer muscle-building benefits, weight management support, and enhanced satiety. Pea protein fits perfectly within this movement, as it is packed with essential nutrients, easily digestible, and free from common allergens like soy and dairy. Its clean-label appeal—minimal processing and natural origins—resonates strongly with today’s discerning shoppers, fostering trust and loyalty in the marketplace.
    Pea protein’s versatility makes it a perfect ingredient for plant-based food and beverage products, meeting the needs of those following vegan and vegetarian diets. In fact, the rise of plant-based food consumption was notably accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which encouraged people to adopt healthier lifestyles. This trend is particularly strong in Europe, which accounts for the largest market share in 2024, where economic stability and increasing demand for plant-based, clean-label products have converged.
    Get PDF Copy: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=36916504
    The global pea protein market is poised for substantial growth, with an estimated value of USD 2.1 billion in 2024, projected to reach USD 3.7 billion by 2029, reflecting a robust compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.0%. This surge in demand highlights the growing consumer shift towards health-conscious, plant-based, and environmentally sustainable food options. Health & Wellness Trends Drive Pea Protein Market Growth Consumers are increasingly prioritizing health and wellness, seeking products that offer muscle-building benefits, weight management support, and enhanced satiety. Pea protein fits perfectly within this movement, as it is packed with essential nutrients, easily digestible, and free from common allergens like soy and dairy. Its clean-label appeal—minimal processing and natural origins—resonates strongly with today’s discerning shoppers, fostering trust and loyalty in the marketplace. Pea protein’s versatility makes it a perfect ingredient for plant-based food and beverage products, meeting the needs of those following vegan and vegetarian diets. In fact, the rise of plant-based food consumption was notably accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which encouraged people to adopt healthier lifestyles. This trend is particularly strong in Europe, which accounts for the largest market share in 2024, where economic stability and increasing demand for plant-based, clean-label products have converged. Get PDF Copy: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=36916504
    0 Comments 0 Shares 234 Views
  • Premium Resorts in Jim Corbett with Stunning Views

    Experience unmatched comfort at premium resorts in Jim Corbett with stunning views of lush forests and serene rivers. These resorts offer luxurious amenities, personalized services, and an immersive wildlife experience. Wake up to breathtaking vistas, explore nature trails, and relax in style, ensuring a memorable stay amidst Corbett’s enchanting wilderness.

    For More Info Visit: https://atulyahospitality.com/uttarakhand/jim-corbett/resorts-in-jim-corbett/
    Premium Resorts in Jim Corbett with Stunning Views Experience unmatched comfort at premium resorts in Jim Corbett with stunning views of lush forests and serene rivers. These resorts offer luxurious amenities, personalized services, and an immersive wildlife experience. Wake up to breathtaking vistas, explore nature trails, and relax in style, ensuring a memorable stay amidst Corbett’s enchanting wilderness. For More Info Visit: https://atulyahospitality.com/uttarakhand/jim-corbett/resorts-in-jim-corbett/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 251 Views
  • Trading Firms

    Lux Trading Firm is a trusted prop trading firm, Forex Proprietary Trading Firms in the UK. Select the evaluation funded trading accounts program to trade in any trading style.

    About Company:-

    We are a leading proprietary trading firm based in London (UK), specializing in supporting experienced prop traders.
    Our commitment is to help traders excel and provide the tools and capital they need to compete in a marketplace defined by change and disruption.
    We are focused on seeking out trading and investment opportunities to grow our capital in the global financial markets.

    Click Here For More Info.:- https://luxtradingfirm.com/

    Social Media Profile Links-
    Trading Firms Lux Trading Firm is a trusted prop trading firm, Forex Proprietary Trading Firms in the UK. Select the evaluation funded trading accounts program to trade in any trading style. About Company:- We are a leading proprietary trading firm based in London (UK), specializing in supporting experienced prop traders. Our commitment is to help traders excel and provide the tools and capital they need to compete in a marketplace defined by change and disruption. We are focused on seeking out trading and investment opportunities to grow our capital in the global financial markets. Click Here For More Info.:- https://luxtradingfirm.com/ Social Media Profile Links- https://twitter.com/FirmLux https://www.instagram.com/luxtradingfirm/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 374 Views
  • Premium Golf Clubs Online

    Discover Forezo Golf’s commitment to providing high-end golf clubs, custom golf club options, and premium golf supplies. Best golf club deals and shop quality golf equipment.

    About Company:-

    Forezo Golf is a dedicated supplier of premium putters, serving golfers nationwide who demand both style and performance. Founded by golf enthusiasts, Forezo Golf understands the needs of players who seek to elevate their game with reliable, top-quality equipment.

    Click Here For More Info:- https://forezogolf.com/about-us/
    Premium Golf Clubs Online Discover Forezo Golf’s commitment to providing high-end golf clubs, custom golf club options, and premium golf supplies. Best golf club deals and shop quality golf equipment. About Company:- Forezo Golf is a dedicated supplier of premium putters, serving golfers nationwide who demand both style and performance. Founded by golf enthusiasts, Forezo Golf understands the needs of players who seek to elevate their game with reliable, top-quality equipment. Click Here For More Info:- https://forezogolf.com/about-us/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 286 Views
  • Circle Line

    Enjoy the best pizza in NYC, delicious pastas, and hamburgers, along with vegan options and the best Greek gyros in town. Savor piña coladas, beer, and wine while relaxing with espresso or cappuccino.

    About Company:-

    This original brownstone and family restaurant is one of the very last mom & pop to stand in this fast changing neighborhood. Generations of families have kept open this restaurant for the love of making homemade food and authentic pizza since 1965.
    When we first opened this was a very rough neighborhood, the love we have for serving our customers and neighbors with our first class quality food has kept us here going strong. Our homemade food style from back home is what has kept our customers coming back for more.
    Many years have passed even though we were offered millions to move out, we refused, this is not only a restaurant, it’s our home that is full of wonderful family memories. Beautiful memories of Grandmothers, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Children & Grandchildren which no amount of money can replace.

    Click here for More info:- https://42pizzarestaurant.com/
    Circle Line Enjoy the best pizza in NYC, delicious pastas, and hamburgers, along with vegan options and the best Greek gyros in town. Savor piña coladas, beer, and wine while relaxing with espresso or cappuccino. About Company:- This original brownstone and family restaurant is one of the very last mom & pop to stand in this fast changing neighborhood. Generations of families have kept open this restaurant for the love of making homemade food and authentic pizza since 1965. When we first opened this was a very rough neighborhood, the love we have for serving our customers and neighbors with our first class quality food has kept us here going strong. Our homemade food style from back home is what has kept our customers coming back for more. Many years have passed even though we were offered millions to move out, we refused, this is not only a restaurant, it’s our home that is full of wonderful family memories. Beautiful memories of Grandmothers, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Children & Grandchildren which no amount of money can replace. Click here for More info:- https://42pizzarestaurant.com/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 410 Views
  • Brantford Retirement homes

    With 99 thoughtfully designed residences redefining senior living, our suites are crafted to provide a perfect blend of luxury comfort and style, offering a private haven for residents to call home. The Suites at Brantford Retirement Manor embody the essence of refined and fulfilling retirement living. Welcome to a world where your suite becomes the cornerstone of a life well-lived.

    About Company:-

    Welcome to Brantford Retirement Manor, where the heart of comfort meets the charm of community in the beautiful city of Brantford! Nestled in the heart of this picturesque locale, our manor is more than just a residence; it's a haven designed for vibrant senior living.
    At Brantford Retirement Manor, we prioritize the well-being and contentment of our residents. Our location allows for easy access to the city's amenities, cultural attractions, and natural beauty. Whether you're strolling through nearby parks, exploring local boutiques, or enjoying the rich history of Brantford, our retirement manor provides the perfect base for a fulfilling lifestyle.

    View map:- https://maps.app.goo.gl/zuqM6fMVnrjvBAR16
    Brantford Retirement homes With 99 thoughtfully designed residences redefining senior living, our suites are crafted to provide a perfect blend of luxury comfort and style, offering a private haven for residents to call home. The Suites at Brantford Retirement Manor embody the essence of refined and fulfilling retirement living. Welcome to a world where your suite becomes the cornerstone of a life well-lived. About Company:- Welcome to Brantford Retirement Manor, where the heart of comfort meets the charm of community in the beautiful city of Brantford! Nestled in the heart of this picturesque locale, our manor is more than just a residence; it's a haven designed for vibrant senior living. At Brantford Retirement Manor, we prioritize the well-being and contentment of our residents. Our location allows for easy access to the city's amenities, cultural attractions, and natural beauty. Whether you're strolling through nearby parks, exploring local boutiques, or enjoying the rich history of Brantford, our retirement manor provides the perfect base for a fulfilling lifestyle. View map:- https://maps.app.goo.gl/zuqM6fMVnrjvBAR16
    0 Comments 0 Shares 379 Views
  • Kawartha Heights Retirement Living

    Discover Enhanced Care at Kawartha Heights Retirement Living. Our commitment to your well-being extends to our enhanced care facilities. With professional care and support staff available 24/7, we ensure that you receive the assistance you need, whenever you need it. Your comfort, safety, and peace of mind are our top priorities. Explore a community that cares at Kawartha Heights Retirement Living

    About Company:-

    Welcome to Kawartha Heights Retirement Living, Peterborough's premier retirement community nestled in the charming and prestigious West End neighborhood. Discover a vibrant community offering 108 suites, where we take pride in fostering a friendly atmosphere and promoting an active and independent lifestyle.
    At Kawartha Heights, we are dedicated to providing a worry-free lifestyle for our residents. Our team is at your service, ready to take care of your needs – from cleaning your suite to washing your linens and towels, and even preparing delicious meals. This allows you the freedom to fully enjoy your time with friends and family without the burden of daily chores.

    View map:- https://maps.app.goo.gl/ALebQSDaTFcGgb6Q6
    Kawartha Heights Retirement Living Discover Enhanced Care at Kawartha Heights Retirement Living. Our commitment to your well-being extends to our enhanced care facilities. With professional care and support staff available 24/7, we ensure that you receive the assistance you need, whenever you need it. Your comfort, safety, and peace of mind are our top priorities. Explore a community that cares at Kawartha Heights Retirement Living About Company:- Welcome to Kawartha Heights Retirement Living, Peterborough's premier retirement community nestled in the charming and prestigious West End neighborhood. Discover a vibrant community offering 108 suites, where we take pride in fostering a friendly atmosphere and promoting an active and independent lifestyle. At Kawartha Heights, we are dedicated to providing a worry-free lifestyle for our residents. Our team is at your service, ready to take care of your needs – from cleaning your suite to washing your linens and towels, and even preparing delicious meals. This allows you the freedom to fully enjoy your time with friends and family without the burden of daily chores. View map:- https://maps.app.goo.gl/ALebQSDaTFcGgb6Q6
    0 Comments 0 Shares 365 Views
  • Sudbury Retirement Manor

    Discover the epitome of comfort and elegance at Sudbury Retirement Manor with our spacious living suites. Each suite is thoughtfully designed to provide a perfect blend of style and functionality, ensuring a living space that feels like home. Our spacious living suites offer ample room for you to personalize and create your own haven. Whether you're looking for a cozy retreat or a place to entertain friends and family, our suites provide the ideal backdrop for every aspect of your lifestyle.

    About Company:-

    Welcome to Sudbury Retirement Manor, Sudbury's premier retirement community nestled in the quaint and prestigious neighborhood of Greater Sudbury. Our vibrant community boasts 137 suites, each offering a unique blend of comfort and elegance.
    At Sudbury Retirement Manor, we take pride in fostering a friendly atmosphere and maintaining an active and independent environment for our residents. Our expert team is dedicated to ensuring a worry-free lifestyle for you. Allow us to take care of the daily chores – from cleaning your suite to washing your linen and towels, and even preparing delicious meals – so you can focus on what truly matters: enjoying quality time with friends and family.

    View map:- https://maps.app.goo.gl/cWTbWHLwEVZHhLvUA
    Sudbury Retirement Manor Discover the epitome of comfort and elegance at Sudbury Retirement Manor with our spacious living suites. Each suite is thoughtfully designed to provide a perfect blend of style and functionality, ensuring a living space that feels like home. Our spacious living suites offer ample room for you to personalize and create your own haven. Whether you're looking for a cozy retreat or a place to entertain friends and family, our suites provide the ideal backdrop for every aspect of your lifestyle. About Company:- Welcome to Sudbury Retirement Manor, Sudbury's premier retirement community nestled in the quaint and prestigious neighborhood of Greater Sudbury. Our vibrant community boasts 137 suites, each offering a unique blend of comfort and elegance. At Sudbury Retirement Manor, we take pride in fostering a friendly atmosphere and maintaining an active and independent environment for our residents. Our expert team is dedicated to ensuring a worry-free lifestyle for you. Allow us to take care of the daily chores – from cleaning your suite to washing your linen and towels, and even preparing delicious meals – so you can focus on what truly matters: enjoying quality time with friends and family. View map:- https://maps.app.goo.gl/cWTbWHLwEVZHhLvUA
    0 Comments 0 Shares 328 Views
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